
Thursday, July 2, 2009

July Two.

I wish I could say that I came up with that AMAZING concept and the visual for it as well...but I didn't. I just love the picture and adore the command that it states. I am a huge supporter of never cleaning your desk. I wish I could tell you how many times I have found little jewels lying in the depths of the junk atop my desk. Someone very wise gave some good advice in the above statement.

I'm gonna be heading out of town today and I'm pretty excited. I haven't had large amounts of peaceful drive time in a LONG long while. When I make it to where I'm going, I'll be helping out my big sis with her engagement pictures. So basically, today, my job is to be a sister. And I like that job.

Earlier this week, my job has been to be a painter. And let me tell you, there were moments during my painterly week that I would just catch myself in a state of complete satisfaction and hovering on the edge of bliss....just because I loved making brush strokes and transforming ugly into beautiful.

Life is returning to normal if such a thing exists. I'm finding routine and peace. It is easy around here to lose sight of beauty, particularly in the little must make a conscious effort to find it. But praise Jesus, it is there hiding all over the place. Summer is alive and well and so the beauty I'm finding these days comes in the form of the watermelon juice and seeds left floating at the bottom after you have just over-consumed Mississippi's greatest summer treat and in a really bumpy and sometimes embarrassing ride in a bright orange convertible VW.

Folks, life is good. I'm smiling today. And I'm pretty sure I will smile tomorrow. Be safe this weekend. Shout-out to the troops. Thanks for doing what you do.

Today's pearl of wisdom:
Finish what you start.

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