
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Ya Know, my cousin took some art classes in high school..."

The above wedding invitation was smuggled over from a great blog I have previously mentioned on this site. Isn't that illustration just DELICIOUS!?! I love it. There is something lovely about the way it isn't perfect. They (whoever "they" are) always say imperfections add character and in this case, they are right. I think my wedding invite will look like this, assuming I ever have a wedding. I think I want it on aged and weathered and yellowed newsprint, delicate and beautiful. Just like this one.

Um, I discovered a new disgust of mine. Of course, it has to do with art. Doesn't everything though? So lately, since moving home, when I talk with people who I haven't seen in a while, they ask me what I'm doing with myself. I tell them and for some reason, everyone responds like this:

"Oh you do art? Yeah, aw, I had a cousin that took some art classes back in high school...they could look at something and draw it just exactly the same as the picture! I bet you might could do something like that. Yall would probably get along....blah, blah, blah..."

I know these people mean no harm. And even more than that, I know they are just trying to identify with me and I am thankful for that. However, I never go up to an engineer and say "Oh, my sister took some math classes in high school...i'm sure you guys would be bff!" It doesn't work that way. So why do people think that I am still on a 9th grade art level? I most certainly am still learning and I know that I will never know everything there is to know-but it is frustrating to have my abilities shriveled down to a lower high school level when it consumed my life for over 4 years (and still does), just the same as other professions do for their occupants. This is gonna be a tough transition from childhood to grown-up land, I'm afraid. Hmph.

That little schpill wasn't out of hate or anger. Mostly frustrations. That's all. I'll get over it. I can deal.

Life in all capacities is fabulous these days. I find myself working each day and saying to myself, "I love my job." That's a good sign, right? Well, I think so. I am thankful. I am a blessed little girl. I've also had the opportunity to hang out with a friend from a few years ago in my life and I enjoy him. Its wild how your past can show up in the present, and it is just that...a present. Thank you, past, for reappearing.

Today's Pearl of Wisdom:
Don't capitalize on the imperfections of others, but embrace your own.

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