
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh, Valentime's Day...

Happy Valentine's Day. Or Happy Singles Awareness Day. Or Happy Saturday. However you should view it. This is one of the Valentine's shirts I designed this year for Elite Gymnastics II in Tupelo. I thought it was nice-mainly because of the message. It is uplifting. I don't really feel all "lovey" today or anything but I thought I could at the very least, offer up some heart-felt encouragement.

...and on the topic of heart-felt, here are some heart-felt thoughts on my life lately...some even about my love life---that's right---I'm bearing my soul.

> I'm selfish with love. I shouldn't be. In Blue Like Jazz, an amazing book, mention is made of us giving out love like we give out money. The thing is, however, that love is free and it shouldn't pain us to hand it out. There is a similarity though...because if you give out too much of either, you run a real risk of being broke (or broken...for you grammatically sensitive people). I fear that. But I am working to improve that fear.

> Love is easy to identify and express during "love" holidays but sometimes I sit back and try to decide what exactly love is when it manifests itself in everyday events. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to witness true sparks of it and be conscious enough to recognize what I've seen. To me, this is love: Acceptance despite flaws, Patience at the height of aggravation, and kindness always. An older couple in my church who might as well be my grandparents are great examples to me of love. He still opens her car door for her and she still looks at him like he is her knight in shining armor. It is beautiful, really.

> I could be bitter about today. Love...ugh. Ha! Someone even recently told me I could be their second "Valentine." It was a nice gesture but I have to kindly pass on the offer. I've been #2 in lots of things in my life. But on Valentine's Day, I'd rather be #1. Even if it is #1 in my own life. I am a loved person. Perhaps not exactly the kind of love I want as a 23 year-old single college graduate but I am thankful for those who do love me. And I am content with the cards I have been dealt. I am patiently waiting.

>The above statement was my justification and comfort to myself for this ridiculous day.

>I miss my friends in Starkville whom I love dearly. I know if I was there, we would all go see a sappy movie and eat lots of depression food together.

Today's Pearl of Wisdom:
Don't carry your love in your wallet. Rather- pretend like it is fruitcake and give as much of it away as possible.

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