
Monday, August 19, 2013

Leaps of Faith

I am  well aware that it isn't even September yet. Maybe I'm rushing the season (that's what my mom tells me I do and have done since childhood. I tried to wear shorts to school in February. True Story.) Regardless, I am drinking pumpkin spice coffee right now with visions of tailgating treats dancing in my head. Fall has always been my favorite season because to me, it is full of color...and welcomes my Birthday, which happens to be my favorite day of the year. 

Over the weekend, I enjoyed a trip out of town to serve as a segue from summer to fall. It involved spending time on a lake with three other girls (Mighty Fine Delta Gamma sisters, at that) who I am quite certain could rule the world with their combined talents. Three days at the lake house, on the water and otherwise taught me a few things:

1. A good way to exfoliate a spray tan from your skin is to climb up a giant rock. Rinse by jumping fearlessly (okay...not fearlessly...I was terrified and said curse words...) back into the lake. Good things often are accompanied by a bit of fear.

2. I am talented at many things. Shuffling cards is not one of them. 

3. My business trips are really just vacations. Good things and ideas happen when I forget about trying to make good things and ideas happen. 

4. There are few problems in this world that cream cheese smothered in some jellied something (candied jalapeños in this case), a glass of sangria and a little girl talk can't fix. 

5. I'm still young. I still have energy and life. I'm not giving that up anytime soon. I don't have any plans to fizzle out. I intend for my friends to hold me accountable to my never-ending youth and not enable the part of me that wallows in the self-pity of aging. 

6.  There are still huge chapters of my life that I haven't started. I am excited about that. I like to wonder about what they will hold. I am glad that I have friends with which I will share those chapters. And moreover, I am thankful that God continues to provide adventures. I love how He continues to line up events in my life that help me discover more about myself and help me discover more about Him. Even if it is something simple like jumping off a rock, I am grateful that I am still inclined by His Grace, to take leaps of faith. 

I guess it is time to go make the world a prettier place, one painting at a time. Enjoy your Monday and remember to thank the One who gave it to you.  

Today's Pearl of Wisdom:
Jump in and aim to make a giant splash when you do. 
Oh...and always use photoshop on swimsuit pictures ;)

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